Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Adventures

1. Jax starts speech therapy tomorrow. And even before we start this, I am already encouraged because his making his own progress just this week. I feel encouraged that with twice a week help from his therapist he will catch on to consonance and sentences really quick. We are by no means "worried", but it's just sort of a given that cleft kids need speech therapy. And we want to give him all the help that is available to him.
My favorite words lately: pizza, amb (he says this for ham and lamb...super cute), nanny, ightnig (lighting mqueen), house, wawawhale.

2. We moved on Saturday. We now live upstairs are my parents for a little while. As I've posted before, we feel convicted to get as mobile as possibly (ie: debt free) and it really amazing to God pave the way for that. It proves that God's plans are always accomplished.

3. I got to talk to my very favorite friend the night before we moved. She's in India and I'm still in Russellville, but we talked about the wonderful plans God must have and we shared our heart about orphans. I wasn't emotional about moving out but I said goodbye to Jax's room and to the little brown that she lived in every once in a while. And I realized that my favorite memories from that little pip-squeak of a house was all the people that came through it. And honestly this helped me realize what a passion I had for adoption and fostering because I have always loved it when people would come to stay or live. Our good friend Si lived with us for a while in our very first year of marriage (people thought we were crazy) and Kristin stay with us about twice a year and when aunts would come to visit they would even bring their dogs. And even though right now I don't actually have a home to open up to anyone, I know that this desire is from the Lord and he plans to do something with it in the future.

4. My sister, Mel is due really soon and I can't wait to meet newest little boy Rogers. It does make me want a brother for Jax, but we are waiting to "The Call" to get off the ground. And we are really blessed to have Beckett, who feels like a brother most of the time, so close for right now.

5. I have come to the conclusion that families and school systems should not ask kids what they want to be when they grow up. They should challenge them to try alot of things in their growing years and find out what they are passionate about. Because the things I'm good at, the things I'm passionate about and the things I used to want to be are all different. But the things I'm passionate about are the things that are WORTH doing, because they are not about me. The are world changers and as Christians we are called to be world changers...not whatever we want to be. Lately, as we are starting our new adventure I'm finding some clarity about what I'm passionate about:
A) Orphans
B) Cleft Kids/ACH
C) Sharing Truth with women and girls
D) Other cultures.
C) Not pursuing the American Dream. Living Radically for Jesus.

For those of you who might be dissapointed that there are no pictures with me post, there's much to catch up on...have patience. They are coming, I promise.

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